The Client General Marty Nothstein, The Inspiration Behind Cycling, Shows What Drives Him To Win

Marty Nothstein, The Inspiration Behind Cycling, Shows What Drives Him To Win

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Cycling is one of the most popular sports in the world and for good reason. Cycling has been around for centuries, but it’s only in recent years that it’s become mainstream. The combination of aerobic exercise and cardiovascular benefits makes cycling a great way to get fit. However, what many people don’t realize is that there’s much more behind this sport than meets the eye. There are many reasons why people love cycling so much, some of which are deeper than others.

Cycling Can Give You A New Perspective On Life

You may have heard this before, but it’s true! Cycling will help you see the world in a whole new way–from the top of your bike seat (or handlebars), you’ll be able to see things that aren’t visible from other vantage points according to Marty Nothstein. And while some might say this is obvious because of how high up they are compared to cars or pedestrians, there’s more going on here than meets the eye: by riding your bicycle as opposed to driving a car or walking on foot, cyclists are able to see different angles and perspectives of their surroundings that others don’t get access to; they literally get higher ground over everything else around them!

Mental Benefits

Marty Nothstein In addition to the physical challenge and excitement that comes from riding, there are many mental benefits as well. Cycling can help you clear your mind and relax, which is something we all need from time to time. It’s also been shown that cycling can help you think more clearly and focus on the present moment–just like meditation!

If you’re looking for an activity that will give you these benefits without having to spend hours meditating on top of a mountain (or even if you just want another way to practice mindfulness), then cycling might just be right up your alley.

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